Sunday, April 6, 2008

By November, America will know that McCain is no maverick

McCain can talk about being the candidate of change all he wants, but whether the issue is the war, tax cuts for millionaires, or privatizing Social Security, John McCain has been in lockstep with the Bush Administration.

Here's what an Obama-McCain debate might look like:

"No matter what the costs, no matter what the consequences, you seem determined to carry out a third Bush term.

'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice -- and you can't get fooled again.'

And we're not falling for it again, John McCain. Not this time."

McCain would rebut:

"But I gave a speech about how we don't need anymore cowboy diplomacy."

To which Obama would respond:

"Some words speak loudly, but John McCain your actions over the past five years have spoken louder than your words over the past five months. You only gave us words on diplomacy, yet you and George Bush continue your failed policies in Iraq and the economy."

McCain would respond with:

"You little jerk."

and storm off the stage.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahahaha McCain would walk off!